So Yesterday I didn't really get a chance to update, I was tired. Woke up at what was supposed to be 415 however my alarm clock didn't go off, or i turned it off when i was still asleep, another phenomenon I have noticed occurs when I am on a calorie restricted diet and lacking sleep or just having to get up early. Anyways Yesterday i woke up got rid of some water weight (if you catch my drift) then stepped on the scale. The scale read 167 woohoo, lightest I've been all year ;). Then got my morning coffee jumped in shower, then chugged it after my shower then took a quick pit stop at 7-11 got a low carb monster again, my ritual for early work mornings, which I'm going to stop so I can get back to trying to save money while making a car payment. Ran a morning bootcamp at work then sat down for breakfast. 4 slices of ham (20g, roughly 100 calories) 4 egg whites (18g 80 calories) 2 scoops of whey (48g 240 calories) also a scoop of bcaas. After work ate some chicken and duck at home. My lovely cousin is going to school at the cordon bleu so lucky me, its a protein semester and what she makes is just absolutely delightful all together (40g 200 calories). Dinner time rolled around and I shared my meal time with my girlfriend karla, such an amazing woman :). So for dinner I was responsible for the meat and she was responsible for the vegetables. I seasoned the steak and chicken with garlic salt and soy sauce. Very high sodium meal. For the the vegetables we had some portabello mushroom green beans and cucumbers. Well i had the mushrooms and green beans (she's not a fan of green beans and absolutely despises mushrooms, and yet she still prepared them for me, boy did I get lucky). mushrooms and vegetables are very negligible in caloric value especially for the amount that we consumed so I won't even list them but be mindful the more you eat the more calories you can add, even 5 calories if eaten often enough can add up.
4 slices of ham (20g, roughly 100 calories)
4 egg whites (18g 80 calories)
4 scoops of whey (96g 4800 calories)
also a scoop of bcaas.
Duck and chicken (40g 200 calories).
Chicken (35g 160calories)
Steak ( 20g 130 caories) steak was kinda fatty but It was going bad so we had to eat it :)
All together 229 grams protein (sufficient for no workout) roughly 1150 calories still quite a large deficit even with some decrease in calories burned due to the drastic deficit the past few days, still at least 500-600 calories all in all a good diet day
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